Sunday, 10 February 2013

Media Player Lift Cover

My eldest ask for electronic gift vouchers for his last birthday and with them he was able to buy himself a Media Player. Not a smartphone as he originally wanted to because his boring, stuffy parents forbid him to do so ;-)

So he and his media player have become very good friends. Son was only worried as during the excitement of being to splash out on such a cool device, he totally forgot to buy a cover or at least some anti-scratch protection for the display.

I had bought some skull and bones cotton about half a year back for him - not really knowing what to do with it but being sure that when the time comes, I will be glad to have it. After a near miss with his younger brother and the life expectation of the media player, the time had come to be glad.

I found this tutorial from Jule (in german) for making lift covers for mobile phones and knew the idea of the extra lift function would be great fun for our son. However, I did adapt the model I made a bit, so it fitted his needs a bit more. The parts up and until the sewing of the hole for the lift belt were taken over as described. Then I decided to sew the lift  about a third of the length down to the inner lining, instead of taking it into the hem as described in the tutorial. The lift was then long enough to be pulled over the media player when inside the cover and be fixed in place with an attached KamSnap.

I used the skull and bones cotton for the lift and the outside lining, a piece of blue fleece that I had left over was then padding and inner lining together.

And, as I thought, the lift is the absolute hit with Son #1: he keeps teasing his little brother saying it's magic, while the little brother is still trying to figure out how it works (in his defence - he has not been given the cover to examine in order to find it out himself, he is only seeing demonstrations of uprising media players...)


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