Friday, 6 April 2012

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J. K. Rowling

To be honest, reading about the availabilty of Harry Potter eBooks via the Pottermore Site in a german tabloid really tipped the scales in favour of me buying an eBook reader. After over a year thinking "shall I, shall I not", I marched into the next retailers and bought myself a really good one :-)

Two hours later and with a very bemused husband sitting next to me, I was the proud owner of all seven of the Harry Potter books in eBook format - and in english!!!

A side note to the english editions of Harry Potter - even though there are more than enough pages to read, I finally now have the proof that the British can keep themselves shorter than the Germans ;-) Almost 100 pages less to read compared to the german translation... My son says that's cheating. I say that's fair. German is his first language, english mine, so we're square now...

Back to the book:

I did see some of the world outside last weekend - just not as much as I normally do. I grabbed the eBook reader every minute I could spare and had finished  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Wikipedia Link) by Sunday! Please take into consideration that I have kids, a husband and a life, so I couldn't allow myself to stay on the couch all of Saturday to have it finished on one day - even though I would have loved to after starting with the book.

Sequels tend to have a hard time living up to the expected standards of the reader, especially if the previous story was really, really good. Well, it did definitely not make the impression that J. K. Rowling had a hard time writing the second part of the Harry Potter series! I enjoyed this read even more than the first! Admittedly, I am not really sure whether or not it is due to the first read in english or due to the story. Whatever the reason - thumbs up all the way from me!!


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